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Dayz client donnot connect the ip
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My friend created a dayz server in Pc names "a" ,which ip:port is "IPa:2302". Due to "a" is in another lan ,i cannot connect it using "IPa:PORTa".
So i made a UDP router strategy that echos "IPa:PORTa" to "IPe:PORTe", which i can connect directely in the Earlier version .
I forgot what the version number of the earlier version was, I only know it's been one or two years now.

However, I have been trying to connect to the server using the same method these days, but it dosen't work!
I check router statistics and found that dayz client did not send any UDP packets to "IPe:PORTe".And I conducted an experiment:
make a dayz server in my local Pc, and in the same Pc use dayz client connect server ip:port ""(this ip is example ,suppose it is a lan ip),
it works ! I successfully entered the game。But if I use "", the loopback ip,then client dosen't work with no prompts and it looks nothing happends,.

What can i do to connect server in another lan ,by using ip:port echo strategy or something?


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

make a dayz server in my local Pc, and in the same Pc use dayz client connect server ip:port ""(this ip is example ,suppose it is a wan ip),
it works ! I successfully entered the game。But if I use "", the loopback ip,then client dosen't work with no prompts and it looks nothing happends,.

Event Timeline

mhs created this task.Mon, Apr 29, 4:50 AM
mhs updated the task description. (Show Details)Mon, Apr 29, 4:52 AM
mhs updated the task description. (Show Details)
mhs added a comment.Mon, May 6, 9:10 AM

anybody help me?