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Server log delays
Awaiting internal Testing, UrgentPublic


Ever since 1.24 came out I think its when the issue started.
Normally admin-logs are updated every 5 min, but now
ever since newly installed server admin log refresh delay can go up to 30min
sometimes 5 min delay (that's normal), sometimes 10min, 15, 20, 30

It does not seem to be Nitrado end issue.

My old server that hasn't been reinstalled or anything after 1.24
its admin-log refresh delay is 5min always as it should.

My new server reinstalled after 1.24 ended up with the issue.
Support tried many things to resolve it, but nothing worked.
Also since Nitrado has reinstalling issues i closed the server and got new server
but the issue even with week old server still has same log issues.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Good guess is 1.24 new server installation.
Older server installation is fine.

Event Timeline

theryo created this task.Apr 6 2024, 1:21 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Apr 9 2024, 10:42 AM
Haas added a subscriber: Haas.Apr 22 2024, 7:10 PM

can confirm this is also happening on xbox servers since 1.24

It has been over 3 months and issue is still the same.
So is this ever going to be fixed? Many servers do depend on logs.

theryo added a comment.EditedTue, Mar 11, 1:28 PM

In less then a month it has been a full year and the log delay continues to be up to 1 hour time to time....
Fix this shit once and for all you lazy fools...

my last log is at: 1:14PM and the time of this message no update on the logs
its been almost 2 hours 2:48PM no log update..............

3:17PM no log update over 2 hours now!!!
4:17PM no log update over 3 hours now!!!

Still happening, sort it out pootrado! no logs what so ever, delayed is an understatement, sort it out its been long enoough since we are now on 1.27