Atm they are logged following:
20:39:34 | Player "A" (id=ID= pos=<12737.3, 3681.4, 6.0>)Player SurvivorBase<939f3040> Dug out UndergroundStash<8b7a6e10> at position 0x000000003eed8d88 {<12738.4,6.22,3682.81>}
16:11:53 | Player "A" (id=ID pos=<8201.4, 9086.0, 474.0>)Player SurvivorBase<68676010> Dug in WoodenCrate<7ec29970> at position 0x0000000041784d88 {<8202.54,474.04,9085.62>}
Ideal implementation would be as following by removing the Player SurvivorBase<...>, <...> part (after the item) and reformatting the position by also changing coordinate order to be the same as in other log events (elevation as last instead of middle coord):
20:39:34 | Player "A" (id=ID= pos=<12737.3, 3681.4, 6.0>) Dug out UndergroundStash at position <12738.4,3682.81,6.22>
16:11:53 | Player "A" (id=ID pos=<8201.4, 9086.0, 474.0>) Dug in WoodenCrate at position <8202.54,9085.62,474.04>