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Character Loadouts
Feedback, UrgentPublic


I have an idea for the PlayerData.spawnGearPresetFiles.
In this section we have the ability to alter what fresh spawn characters spawn with, very nice idea btw. My idea is as follows.

In the .json files we can create there is this line of code
"name": "Player",

It would be great if we could create separate files for specific players for example. I am a server owner, So on Xbox my gamertag is Wastelander987654 (Not my actual gamertag) so in the PresetFile i created for myself, I change "name": "Player", to "name": "Wastelander987654" So this way the server knows that when i am a fresh spawn this is the file it choses for my specific gamertag.

What also would be a very neat idea is that in that same file we could add in a specific co-ordinate for that gamertag to load in at. Something like "Location": "x=3702.69 z=5988.67", So the file would look something like:-

"spawnWeight": 1,
"name": "Wastelander987654",
"Location": "x=3702.69 z=5988.67",
"characterTypes": [

Using this method the file knows that when my gamertag loads in as a fresh spawn i load in with my AdminLoadout.json and loads in at Green Mountain.


Operating System
Windows 7
Game Settings
Steps To Reproduce

Override "name": "Player", to "name": "(Gamertag/PNS/ID" to create individual loadouts for users

Add "Location": "x= z=", to ensure that user always spawns at that coordinate when fresh spawn.

Keep "name": "Player", for all other players that do not have their own Loadout file created.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Feb 12 2024, 11:46 AM