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DayZ connection failed (0x000200009) I get this error
New, NormalPublic


Never connected to the game after version 1.23 was released.
I am using wired connection.
I tried modem factory settings
I tried the modem reboot option.
I couldn't solve the problem


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
22H2 19045.3803
Error Message

Event Timeline

sepci created this task.Jan 9 2024, 1:51 PM

Having the same issue now for weeks..I’ve been playing the game since years, now playing it since a year on Xbox. This problem never popped up on my Screen only now.. What i did was try to connect my Xbox to my mobile Hotspot and that way it lets me join any server i want without any problems, but as soon as i connect to my Wifi it will lead me back to the same problem (Connecting Failed 0x0002009) Error.
I’ve literally tried everything i could to fix the problem absolutely NOTHING worked except for the Hotspot. I am very angry that this problem is even a thing, when multiple people complain about it for years now as i found out. Please fix this problem, or at least tell us a way to fix it.