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Reviewed, UrgentPublic


Cars have seemed a lot smoother and stable overall after the latest update.
Overall cars have been a lot deadlier due to area lag. For instance, certain spots on the map seem to handle cars very poorly. Ex: the 3 way turn to go under the tracks or bridge going south out of Sevro. Many areas like this require you to drive very slow. You may safely make it past only to go under the map and go unconscious seconds later. It’s a new kind of driving difficulty but luckily predictable once you figure out the spots on the map that this occurs. I know this could be just the particular server I play on but I don’t think this is the case due to these spots proving difficult to navigate on multiple servers.
Good job on the overall stability of driving. It seems like we are going in the right direction. Still some stuff to work on, including that new map ;)


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Driving on through 3 way turn going south out of Sevrograd, driving near the shack on the road heading toward Devils castle, driving south towaed radio Zenit on a loop heading out of the northern tree line. Just three examples of predictable driving stability crashes. Many many more across the map.

Additional Information

These crashes are in predictable zones. Other than these particular spots across the map, overall driving stability seems consistent. A lot better than the unpredictability of driving in the past.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Jan 5 2024, 10:35 AM