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As it may not be your #1 priority, I would still hope to see attention towards this, and hopefully action, given it would be such an easy execution. PC DayZ is capable of accepting a controller, and it being used for the basics, of course looting requires a mouse/kb, and that’s acceptable. But why not add the options to adjust controller sensitivity? The interface exists, you guys have it, obviously plugged into to the console version, and would simply just need to add it to pc. The current problem is trying to aim using controller, it is way too fast, therefor making it unusable, and for some unknown fucking reason, you don’t give us an option to adjust it. Stop fucking around and add a sensitivity option, I’m honestly surprised the modding community hasn’t already done this, since they already do everything for you, and this game would be dead without them. This is coming from a 11k hour console player, do better


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Try use a controller and see how great your game is then

Additional Information

I’m mad bc now I’m bad, thanks to the devs incompetence of course.

Event Timeline

RealTfb created this task.Dec 7 2023, 6:05 PM