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A File to Change AI/Items/Player Stats
Feedback, UrgentPublic


Can there be a way to change how server owners change stats on items or AI [Zombies/Animals] or player stats?

I understand it could be hard but it's just an idea, this can be changed to make it work or never be put into the game.

This is my example but it can be simple

Like example:

<!-- Infected/Animal -->

<statstype name="ZmbM_HunterOld_Spring">
        <healthdmg>10</healthdmg> <!-- How much health damage it deals to Enemies/Player -->
        <shockdmg>15</shockdmg> <!-- How much shock damage it deals to Enemies/Player -->
        <memory>30</memory> <!-- Aggression memory in seconds -->
        <fleememory>30</fleememory> <!-- Fleeing memory in seconds -->
        <shockresist>30</shockresist> <!-- How much shock damage It can take before flinch -->
        <agro>1</agro> <!-- Can it be aggressive to enemies/player? (0/false=No, 1/true=Yes) -->
        <flee>0</flee> <!-- Can it be flee from enemies/player attacks? (0/false=No, 1/true=Yes) -->
        <agrotypes> "Player", "Animal_CapraHircus_Black" </agrotypes> <!-- Who can it be aggressive to? -->

<statstype name="Animal_CapraHircus_Black">
        <healthdmg>0</healthdmg> <!-- How much health damage it deals to Enemies/Player -->
        <shockdmg>0</shockdmg> <!-- How much shock damage it deals to Enemies/Player -->
        <fleememory>30</fleememory> <!-- Fleeing memory in seconds -->
        <shockresist>30</shockresist> <!-- How much shock damage It can take before flinch -->
        <agro>0</agro> <!-- Can it be aggressive to enemies/player? (0/false=No, 1/true=Yes) -->
        <flee>1</flee> <!-- Can it be flee from enemies/player attacks? (0/false=No, 1/true=Yes) -->
        <agrotypes>"None"</agrotypes> <!-- Who can it be aggressive to? Set None for undefined(if agro is set as 0/false) and Player for Player Characters or animal/infected types(If agro is set to true/1)-->

<!-- Player Spawn Stats (When spawning in server as fresh spawn) -->

    <spawntype name="Player">
        <health>50</health> <!-- How much health in % player respawns with -->
        <hydration>50</hydration> <!-- How much hydration in % player respawns with -->
        <energy>100</energry> <!-- How much energy in % player respawns with -->
        <blood>100</blood> <!-- How much blood in % player respawns with -->
    <statstype name="Player">
        <health>150</health> <!-- How much max health a player can have -->
        <hydration>5000</hydration> <!-- How much max hydration a player can have  -->
        <energy>5000</energry> <!-- How much max energy a player can have  -->
        <blood>10000</blood> <!-- How much max blood a player can have  -->
        <regen>5</regen> <!-- How much health can a player regen per second if at max multiplier-->

<!-- Items -->

  <statstype name="Machete">
        <hlthdmg>20</hlthdmg> <!-- How much health damage it can do if used as a weapon -->
        <shockdmg>10</shockdmg> <!-- How much shock damage it can do if used as a weapon   -->
        <durability>5</durability> <!-- How much health the item use when it gets used -->
        <quality>100</quality> <!-- How much health does this item have -->
        <repair>1</repair> <!-- Can it be repaired? (0/false=no, 1/true=yes) -->
        <repairtype>"Whetstone</repairtype> <!-- What can it be repaired with (If repair is set to true) -->


Operating System
Windows 7

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Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Nov 24 2023, 10:53 AM