In vanilla armor, the material used for armor are named titanium_6.5mm
When modding, I want to:
- replace armor values for vanilla vests, but only for a specific vest
- Only modify the armor value for certain hitboxes on the armor
(what I am trying to achieve: create versions of the vanilla vests with different armor values)
However since the naming for the GameMaterials does not specify which vest they are made for,
there is an implication that these GameMaterials are used elsewhere as well. (6b2 GameMat are used in 6b3)
To clear confusion and to allow for modifying GameMaterials separate for every vest (or armor equipment)
we would like for the GameMaterials to be rennamed separately for every hitbox:
titanium_6.5mm.gamemat -> titanium_6.5mm_Vest6B3_1.gamemat , titanium_6.5mm_Vest6B3_2.gamemat , titanium_6.5mm_Vest6B3_3.gamemat
- All GameMat are specific to their respective vests
- All GameMat are specifc to different hitboxes
This way we can modify the game material for the specific hitbox on the specific vest.