Duping is a serious issue. I have several video clips of players bragging, explaining, and showing off them duping. It’s ruining the game. Someone today just told me they are buying a ps5 tomorrow to start duping. They have discord channels teaching others as well. I know everyone wants new content and so do I, but duping is a ground breaking issue that should have been fixed a long time ago. My duo and I have love playing this game since it was release on PSN, but lately all the exploits have made us just want to drop the game. I know this will probably get lost since you guys have so much more to do, but I hope you guys do take the time to read this and see it as an issue.
Also, I’m not the best coder but I have looked at some of the game files before. I was wondering how strenuous it would be on the server to give each spawn high tier item (m4, vsd, nvgs, etc.) a string denoting server# and item and # of that item. Ex. 0000.01.01 (server 0000, item1 for m4, spawned m4 #1) and if the server detects multiple items with the same unique string, it deletes one of them. I understand it’s difficult to get rid of duping altogether, but we can atleast take out the incentive if we stop high tier items being duped. It doesn’t seem that difficult to assign a string to a spawned item to make it unique, I’m just not sure how the server would be able to take action against the duped string. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.