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Network Shell Registation Bug
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Im not really sure how to describe it properly. But i will try anyways. If vehicle that created projectile (aka shot it) is located beyond vehicle view distance (NetworkDistance param in server setting) players wont be able to see and hear the sound and particle of explosion.
This bug makes artillery unusable.
I tried adding RplComponent to projectile but i dont think it changed anything.
^ This video contains 3 PoVs. One From gamemaster and two from players.
As you can see, artillery fires the shell and for Gamemaster everything looks like it should look, loud boom sound and a bright particle. But for a Player standing in the same place as Gamemaster camera there is NO visual effects. Vehicles on impact point just explode without any sign of shell hitting them.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Easiest way is to download RHS StatusQuo mod and run in on dedicated server.

  1. Start Dedicated server on Everon (the only big enough map to show this bug) and spawn a 2S1.
  2. Ask someone to join your server. Ask them to stay somewhere in vehicle view distance, for example in 300 meters away from 2S1.
  3. Check if them sees explosion and hears the sound.
  4. If yes, place vehicle and observer as on screenshot, and use provided elev and traverse data (just to make it easier for you to aim).
  5. After firing the shell enter Gamemaster mode and fly to impact point with camera.
  6. Wait patiently.
  7. Check if Gamemaster sees explosion
  8. Ask Observer if he sees explosion

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Sep 26 2023, 4:55 PM

Small update to ticket, based on BI_petanjek answer.

Seems like, currently everything acts like it should, except the fact that there is no proper component to be used for a tank / artillery / mortar shell. A component with proper replication. Sooo this bug report became a feature suggestion i guess?

Suggestion: Add a new shell component with turned on replication.

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Oct 17 2023, 10:56 AM
Geez claimed this task.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Tactical_Toxic.
The issue has been resolved for one of the future updates.

Small update after 1.1 update.
Even though update changelog states that replication was fixed, its actually not.
I used {EEF8495A9A6787A6}Prefabs/Weapons/Core/ as base for my projectile, still nothing, player on island few KMs away from everon airfield was damaged but no particle/sound played for him.

Sesk added a subscriber: Sesk.Oct 26 2024, 1:17 AM