Hello, I've been dealing with this problem for years and finally decided to report it. There is apperantly a bug where being in a Sprint the game doesnt allow you to shoot the weapon. Only when you release the sprint button the weapon becomes active. This makes no sense, beacause if you use "Combat Pace 3 Sec." instead of "Combat Pace" it suddenly works but adds a walk-delay after you shot a bullet. In my oppinion there is a Issue in using the "Sprint" + "Combat Pace". Sprint seems to overwrite the "Fire" or "Combat Pace" input.
I made two clips to illustrate the problem:
1. Sprinting (Shift) + Shooting & Combat Pace (LMB) = No action
2. Sprinting (Shift) + Shooting & Combat Pace 3 Sec. (LMB) = Action