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Sprinting (Shift) + Shooting & Combat Pace (LMB) = No action
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Hello, I've been dealing with this problem for years and finally decided to report it. There is apperantly a bug where being in a Sprint the game doesnt allow you to shoot the weapon. Only when you release the sprint button the weapon becomes active. This makes no sense, beacause if you use "Combat Pace 3 Sec." instead of "Combat Pace" it suddenly works but adds a walk-delay after you shot a bullet. In my oppinion there is a Issue in using the "Sprint" + "Combat Pace". Sprint seems to overwrite the "Fire" or "Combat Pace" input.

I made two clips to illustrate the problem:

1. Sprinting (Shift) + Shooting & Combat Pace (LMB) = No action

2. Sprinting (Shift) + Shooting & Combat Pace 3 Sec. (LMB) = Action


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Set "Sprint" to "Left Shift"
  2. Set "Combat Pace" to "Prim. Mouse Btn"
  3. Set "Fire" to "Prim. Mouse Btn"
  4. Start a Game/Arsenal
  5. Press Shift + W to Sprint and press the Prim. Mouse Button (LMB)

Result: Nothing happens. Prim. Mouse button is ignored even if "Combat Pace" is bound to it what should allow you to shoot.
Expected Behavior: As soon as I click the mouse button, the weapon should fire while I still hold the Sprint button. After the mouse button is released, the sprint should resume.

Additional Information

Side Note:
Using "Fast Forward" instead of "Move Forward" while also using "Combat Pace" instead of "Combat Pace 3 Sec." makes the game unplayable since you will never be able to fire a bullet. I think it is related to the problem I described, since "Fast Forward" is basically a Sprint (Shift+W).

Event Timeline

raybam created this task.Sep 6 2023, 11:14 AM
raybam edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Sep 6 2023, 11:34 AM
raybam edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
raybam edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Sep 6 2023, 11:43 AM
raybam edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Sep 6 2023, 12:44 PM