After the latest patch is out I've found a lot of lines like below in my ADM logs:
04:22:13 | Player platinumbr78 (DEAD) (id=467C25C95D4D429C64CACFBEF3A3D3276DFE4932 pos=<12028.2, 12464.2, 154.8>)[HP: 0] hit by Player "VivaceComb91562" (id=D641D1E5311BF64B9C08EBF309A958E7C593836B pos=<12026.9, 12463, 154.8>) into Brain(37) for 150 damage (Bullet_762x54) with Mosin 91/30 from 1.86665 meters
Before the patch it always had been like:
04:22:13 | Player "platinumbr78" (DEAD) (id=467C25C95D4D429C64CACFBEF3A3D3276DFE4932 pos=<12028.2, 12464.2, 154.8>)[HP: 0] hit by Player "VivaceComb91562" (id=D641D1E5311BF64B9C08EBF309A958E7C593836B pos=<12026.9, 12463, 154.8>) into Brain(37) for 150 damage (Bullet_762x54) with Mosin 91/30 from 1.86665 meters
So player name had been inside double quotes.