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SCR_ParticleEmitter cannot be placed in Game Master depending on the Particle System
Closed, ResolvedPublic



Basically, I have several Placeable Entities that are of SCR_ParticleEmitter class. Some of those entities cannot be placed / despawn immediately when placed as a Game Master when playing on a server. I have attached a project file that has a reproducible sample. Also, see video.

The server this is tested on runs on Linux.


Operating System
Windows 7
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Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Aug 24 2023, 3:05 PM
MarioE added a subscriber: MarioE.Aug 28 2023, 3:18 AM

Can you try specifically giving the not working prefab the path for the particle affect path?

ceo_of_bacon added a comment.EditedAug 28 2023, 9:42 AM

What do you mean? There are two prefabs, they reference different ptc, one works, one doesnt. (only the ptc path is different)

The one that works has the ptc defined in the derived prefab, the one that does not work has it defined through inheritance.

I've assigned this ptc to a few different prefabs in the Game Master FX mod and as long as this ptc was setup in them this problem occurred.

How do I reproduce this problem in Workbench? Servers have no debug log levels and there are no errors for this ptc in Workbench.

I've swapped SCR_ParticleEmitter to ParticleEffectEntity and this seems to work now.

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Sep 25 2023, 4:09 PM
Geez claimed this task.