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RTDynamics agrees there might be something wrong with RotorLib & Genheli implementation
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I brought up the controls feeling a bit sluggish and there not being enough torque for some reason, and RTDynamics said I should take this up with BI.


thank you for your feedback. We provide generic mathematical models to our customers. The behavior of the helicopters in user applications is not 100% under our control. The way they integrate the software makes a difference. E.g. some customers can not execute the model at the required update rate due to the excess CPU requirements of their own software. Also customers handle input/output and communication with our model. Any delays/filters in inputs and graphics will be seen by the end user and over these things we don't have any control.

We also don't have control over exact flight model our customers provide to the end user. Our mathematical model use parameter sets with which specific helicopter types are simulated. Development of a realistic flight dynamics model for a specific helicopter type require a lot of data and budget. We did not do this type of work for ARMA3; instead we provided them with baseline examples. I believe they used our baseline examples and further improved upon them for the game to simulate specific helicopters. Whether they did any objective or subjective validation on the final models is unknown to us.

In short, Bohemia Interactive would be a better address for this feedback.

RTDynamics Support"


Operating System
Windows 7 x64
Advanced Flight Model
Steps To Reproduce

Compare Arma 3's helos with Advanced Flight Model active and Auto Trim on or off depending on if you have a joystick or pro helo cyclic, and compare it to Flight Simulator X, X-Plane, EECH, or DCS. Try flying around. Also try over-torquing by yanking back on your assigned collective control. The sluggish rate command controls I could probably live with, but this midget available torque needs evaluation on the BI devs' end.

Event Timeline

Reticuli created this task.Jul 8 2023, 4:12 AM
Reticuli edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)