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Ground Vehicle spotlights non functional in MP servers
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As titled, the majority of ground vehicles with spotlight functionality cannot turn them on.
There is no option in the context menu to turn them on, as there should be.
Driving the vehicle to a repair station does nothing, nor repairing via master arm.

This appears to apply only to vehicles that are spawned in using mike forces respawning vehicles - which never work, as the exceptions to this are vehicles spawned in via the editor, or via Zeus, where their spotlight functions work normally, and the spotlight options appear in the context menu as they should. Hence the reproducibility set to sometimes

I have tested this on various community servers and the official mike force servers, and was able, with help from whiplash, to confirm that vehicles that were spawned via Zeus do have the correct options and functionality, whereas the vehicles that were already in the ACAV base, none had functional spotlights.

As previously stated this applies to most ground vehicles, i have not tested them all personally as some do not appear in MP servers, and i could not get this bug to occur via my own editor testing, But i can confirm it happens on at least most M113 crew served weapons, M67 zippo and the M48 Patton.

It is hard to get screenshots showing this for an explanation but i have tried,
Please see attached screenshot showing Patton tank with drivers headlights on, Turret rotated slightly to show separate light sources. Note lack of spotlight option in context menu, but please also note the strange ghost spotlight cone, as if the spotlight should be on but is not producing any light, nor can it be interacted with, this ghost cone is always present in the bugged vehicles.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Windows 10
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Enter gunner seat of patton/ M67, or crew served weapon of M113 in any MP server running mike force without zeus intervention
  2. Notice you cannot turn on the spotlights of any of your weapons
  3. Despair, its getting dark...
Additional Information

If i can be of any help, please dont hesistate to reach out, i personally consider this to be an important bug, as it affects my ability to run convoys at night :) . Im not sure if general is the correct category but Vehicle - Visual doesnt feel like the right place either.

Event Timeline

Jaketeaking updated the task description. (Show Details)Jul 1 2023, 10:21 AM
Slowpokevg added a subscriber: Slowpokevg.

Thank you for your feedback! It will now be reviewed by a specialist in our internal QA system.