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Plate Carriers on Zombies are backwards.
Acknowledged, UrgentPublic


Pouches attached to a plate carrier on zombies float above the dead zombie when killed. Also the plate carrier is backwards, the pouches would be on the Zombies back and not at the front. Same with the holster and any grenade types that are attached to the plate carrier, they will be on the back of the zombie and float when killed.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Make a zombie spawn with a plate carrier with plate carrier pouches or plate carrier holster.
They will spawn on the zombie, but the plate carrier is backwards. (Pouches and Holster is on the back not front).
When killed pouches, holster, or if any grenades are attached will be floating above the dead zombie.

Additional Information

This is what I use when I found this bug.

<type name="ZmbM_usSoldier_Officer_Convoy">

		<attachments chance="0.10">
			<item name="NVGHeadstrap" chance="1.00" />
		<attachments chance="1.00">
			<item name="GhillieHood_Woodland" chance="1.00" />
		<attachments chance="1.00">
			<item name="PlateCarrierVest_Green" chance="1.00" />
		<attachments chance="0.25">
			<item name="PlateCarrierHolster_Green" chance="1.00" />
		<attachments chance="0.25">
			<item name="PlateCarrierPouches_Green" chance="1.00" />
		<attachments chance="1.00">
			<item name="GhillieTop_Woodland" chance="1.00" />
		<cargo chance="0.50">
			<item name="Mag_FAMAS_25Rnd" chance="0.1" />
			<item name="Mag_FAL_20Rnd" chance="0.1" />
			<item name="Mag_STANAG_30Rnd" chance="0.1" />
			<item name="Mag_CMAG_30Rnd" chance="0.1" />
			<item name="Mag_CMAG_30Rnd_Green" chance="0.1" />
			<item name="Mag_SVD_10Rnd" chance="0.1" />
			<item name="Mag_VAL_20Rnd" chance="0.1" />
			<item name="Mag_AK101_30Rnd" chance="0.1" />
			<item name="Mag_AK101_30Rnd_Green" chance="0.1" />
			<item name="Mag_AKM_Palm30Rnd_Green" chance="0.1" />
			<item name="Mag_AKM_Palm30Rnd_Black" chance="0.1" />
			<item name="Mag_AK74_30Rnd" chance="0.1" />
			<item name="Mag_AK74_30Rnd_Black" chance="0.1" />
			<item name="Mag_AK74_30Rnd_Green" chance="0.1" />
			<item name="Mag_CMAG_40Rnd" chance="0.05" />
			<item name="Mag_CMAG_40Rnd_Green" chance="0.05" />
			<item name="Mag_AK74_45Rnd" chance="0.05" />
			<item name="Mag_Saiga_Drum20Rnd" chance="0.05" />
			<item name="Mag_STANAG_60Rnd" chance="0.05" />
			<item name="Mag_AKM_Drum75Rnd" chance="0.025" />
			<item name="Mag_AKM_Drum75Rnd_Green" chance="0.025" />
		<cargo chance="1.00">
			<item name="PunchedCard" chance="1.00" />
		<cargo preset="foodArmy" />
		<cargo preset="ammoArmy" />
		<attachments preset="grenades" />


Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.May 15 2023, 11:47 AM
Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Acknowledged.May 17 2023, 3:02 PM