Add Position Information to Connection & Disconnection Log Events
Currently they are logged as following without the last location of the Player's character;
04:03:49 | Player "GAMERTAG" is connected (id=UNIQUEID)
10:20:10 | Player "GAMERTAG"(id=UNIQUEID) has been disconnected
Ideal Implementation:
04:03:49 | Player "GAMERTAG" is connected (id=UNIQUEID pos=<10237.4, 1870.8, 6.0>)
10:20:10 | Player "GAMERTAG"(id=UNIQUEID pos=<10237.4, 1870.8, 6.0>) has been disconnected
Why is this needed?
Makes it possible to detect people logging out within bases, bunkers, ... and improoves the capabilities or 3rd Party Services that parse Logfiles to automatically handle such actions.
Additionally it would also allow to track players that use the under the map glitch because they need to relog however with the logout coordinates being available, Admins of Servers could see the negative y coordinate and thus track those malicious actions