moveInDriver doesn't work with UAVs while other moveIn* commands work just fine, you can properly move units into UAV driver with moveInAny anyway. Feels like it was done to restrict moving normal units into UAVs or something, but was abandoned half through. Whatever was the case, this restriction is useless and feels more like a bug and I suggest to just remove it. Sometimes mission designer might want to script their own the crew for UAVs and move them in manually.
- Severity
- None
- Resolution
- Open
- Reproducibility
- N/A
- Operating System
- Windows 10 x64
- Category
- Scripting
Steps To Reproduce
- Start a game with a player
- Execute:
if(!isNil"vehs") then { {deleteVehicle _x} forEach vehs; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach ais; }; vehs = []; ais = []; { private _veh = createVehicle ["B_UGV_01_rcws_F", player modelToWorld [(_forEachIndex - 1.5) * 5, 5, 0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _veh setDir getDir player; vehs pushBack _veh; private _ai = createGroup blufor createUnit ["B_UAV_AI", getPos _veh, [], 1, ""]; ais pushBack _ai; switch(_x) do { case 1: {_ai assignAsDriver _veh; _ai moveInDriver _veh}; case 2: {_ai assignAsDriver _veh; _ai moveInAny _veh}; case 3: {_ai assignAsGunner _veh; _ai moveInGunner _veh}; case 4: {_ai assignAsTurret [_veh, [0]]; _ai moveInTurret [_veh, [0]]}; }; } forEach [ 1,2,3,4 ]; onEachFrame { hintSilent (vehs apply {fullCrew _x} joinString "\n\n"); };
- Observe that only first UAV has no crew in the hint, the one that had moveInDriver used.