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Remote Designators fire lasers slightly misaligned with the view point
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Both NATO and CSAT Remote Designators fire lasers slightly off vision line, resulting in imprecise lasing. On the other hand same handheld laser designators work properly.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Start editor, any world (preferably one with hills for easier observation)
  2. Place player unit
  3. Execute this code:
	player setDir -90;
	player linkItem "B_UavTerminal";
	uniformContainer player addMagazineCargoGlobal ["Laserbatteries", 1];
	player addWeapon "Laserdesignator";
	player selectWeapon "Laserdesignator";
	[player] joinSilent createGroup blufor;

		private _pos = player modelToWorld [-1 + _forEachIndex * 2, 4, 0];
		_pos set [2, 0];
		systemChat str _pos;
		private _uav = createVehicle [_x, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
		_uav setPosATL _pos;
		_uav setDir getDir player;
		_uav setVectorUp surfaceNormal _pos;
		units createVehicleCrew _uav joinSilent createGroup blufor;

		player connectTerminalToUAV _uav;
	} forEach [

	for "_i" from 1 to 6 do {
		createVehicle ["Land_Canal_WallSmall_10m_F", player modelToWorld [-15 + _i * 5, 15 * _i, 4], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"] setDir getDir player;

	if(isNil"testeh") then {
		testeh = addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3d", {call draw3d}];

	draw3d = {
			if(alive _x) then {
				drawIcon3D ["\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\military\destroy_ca.paa", [1, 0, 0, 1], ASLtoAGL getPosWorldVisual _x, 0.5, 0.5, 0, str _x, 0, 0.04, "PuristaMedium"];
		} forEach ((allUnitsUAV apply {laserTarget _x}) + [laserTarget cameraOn]);
  1. Fire handheld laser designator at some object or terrain, observe that laser target perfectly aligns with line of sight
  2. Connect to NATO Remote Designator, fire its laser, observe that its slightly off, seems to be related to direction, more noticeable when aiming west or east.
  3. Connect to CSAT Remote Designator, fire its laser and do same observations.
Additional Information

Perhaps this can be solved with config changes, but I don't have access to model source to see where memory points are exactly and how they're rotated.

Event Timeline

SaMatra created this task.Mar 27 2023, 4:34 PM
SaMatra edited Additional Information. (Show Details)