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Inaccuracy of Khe Sanh Hill Placements and Height
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I am a member of a Vietnam MilSIm group, and in the process of designing an Op for us, I noticed some weird issues that hinder the authenticity of the Khe Sanh Siege. The placement of the 3 major hills surrounding the Airbase are not visible from each other. Hills 881N, 881S, and 861 should all be able to see each other over the surrounding terrain, because during the Tet Offensive the hill positions had to mutually support each other to survive the onslaught.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Terrain Processor
Steps To Reproduce

Open up Khe Sanh map from SOG:PF CDLC and observe the placement of hills and surrounding terrains.

Event Timeline

MisfitMortem changed Category from Visual-Environment to Terrain Processor.Feb 20 2023, 9:12 AM
Bob_Murphy closed this task as Resolved.Mar 27 2023, 5:06 PM
Bob_Murphy moved this task from Backlog to Done on the Arma 3 Creator DLC - S.O.G. Prairie Fire board.
Bob_Murphy claimed this task.
Bob_Murphy added a subscriber: Bob_Murphy.

Hey MisfitMortem,

thank you for the very detailed feedback.
As mentioned on the SOGPF homepage this map is partly topographical and partly designed for gameplay.
Hence, whilst of course your feedback is valid in terms of historical and topographical accuracy, the map design as it is, is intended.

Thank you very much for your understanding and best regards,
Bob Murphy