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(version 1.20)Console Inventory Adjustments
Reviewed, UrgentPublic


Hello console fellow survivors

For those game developers currently working on console version of Dayz there is currently one minor hindrance I have personally noticed since (version 1.19).  
 Since this update launched player's inventory "Weapon Containers" & "Gear Containers" no longer remained closed when minimized after being re-equipped. Beginning as early as (version 1.08) "Weapon Containers" & "Gear Containers" remained closed when minimized allowing console players to easily access grenades from plate carrier or other belongings from designated gear such as backpack pants belt boots or shirt.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

A.)Access Player Inventory B.)Minimize "Weapon Container" or "Gear Container" C.)(1)Equip Weapon/Gear to Hands C.)(2)Drop Weapon/Gear to Ground D.)Equip Weapon/Gear to shoulder/body E.)Notice "Weapon Container" or "Gear Container" Reopens

Additional Information

A minor yet problematic problem for any console player who's been around long enough to notice a subtle change over time. Admittedly there's been much progress with inventory navigation since Dayz originally launched on console. Perhaps console inventory navigation will receive an overhaul at some point? Simply with community input or suggestions for revisions we all would benefit sharing our thoughts on overall quality of life improvements.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Feb 17 2023, 11:30 AM