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AH1 Cobra Gunship has no ground friction with AFM enabled.
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As title says:

AH1 will begin to slide as soon as pilot has boarded and game physics switches to Advanced Flight Model (usually one second after boarding animation complete)

With the engine off, this slide cannot be countered and the aircraft drifts until it touches something, then naturally, explodes.
If engine start is performed quickly enough to prevent disaster, it is then possible to control the slide by moving the cyclic back and forth. One may even trim it out to a position of balance, but any nudge on the controls will cause the sliding to begin again.

Needless to say, this makes refueling and rearming the AH1 a rather awkward process. In MP, it can easily be the cause of much embarrassment.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Advanced Flight Model
Steps To Reproduce

1: Enable Advanced Flight Model.
2: Board AH1 Cobra Gunship as Pilot.
3: Expect the aircraft to remain still, due to ground friction.
4: Find that it doesn't, for there isn't any.

5: Attempt to start engine quickly to prevent embarrassing accidents.
6: Try and balance the slide with cyclic inputs.

Additional Information

Suspected this may have been perhaps due to an incorrectly configured undercarriage that acts as if it had wheels but no parking brakes.

Unfortunately, it was not possible to verify this theory, as I could not manage to engage the (non existent) brakes despite repeatedly pressing the assigned button on my joystick.

This may or not be completely unrelated to the actual cause of the problem. But it's maybe worth mentioning as a thing I tried.

Event Timeline

Moach created this task.Dec 26 2022, 4:04 PM
Bob_Murphy added a subscriber: Bob_Murphy.

Thank you for your feedback! It will now be reviewed by a specialist in our internal QA system.