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1.19 EXP - Server 3536 (at least) has broken cars
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The issue occurs on the 3536 Experiemental Server.

Whenever I interact with a car in any way, the car becomes unresponsive, and despawns if I log out close to it. I tried driving a car I found for a bit, removed a tire to repair and couldnt attach the tire again. I also couldnt drag anything from or to the cars inventory.

Then I found another two cars, that had the same issues. On the fourth car I simply tried to get in, but didnt have any actions to get out or start the car.

This resulted in my client being disconnected, and when reconnected I was restored to a previous character save point leading me to believe my character became chorupted or something.

We know that cars have been working before as we as a group have a car we use, plus we saw someone else having a car they have put together out of different colored versions. So something must have been gone wrong between yesterday October 4 and today October 5


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  • Join 3536
  • Find any car
  • Interact with the car in any way
  • See Interaction Menu being broken
  • Relog for it to despawn

Event Timeline

SSND created this task.Oct 5 2022, 8:47 PM
SSND added a comment.Oct 5 2022, 9:36 PM

Here's a video of the issue as I encountered another car

I wonder if it has anything to do with the vicinity bug.
Sometimes the vicinity on the left only partially shows.