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Old man Luganville random event (SmugglersVisited) trigger bug
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Hello! I've come across a small bug in the Old man scenario, in which the 2 gengarmeries detaining a weapon smuggler in the southern Luganville do not spawn. The issue is the trigger, which is activated if the player goes through that shortcut road before boing to sleep, but the event itself spawns only after that (event condition located in SE_CIV scenario:

isnil "SmugglersVisited" && [date,([BIS_StartMissionDate, 12, "h"] call BIS_fnc_CalculateDateTime)] call BIS_fnc_IsDateTimeNewer

but the trigger condition that sets "SmugglersVisited" to true, is only:


). This is usually an issue only if the player takes the wrong turn while driving with Arthur, or if they instead go on a scavenger/hoarding/exploration adventure and pass through that road. On the other hand, there is another similar event, south of Ouméré (SE_CSAT scenario), with a convoy being stopped due to an UXO -> in that event, the trigger setting the "BIS_UXO_ConvoyVisited" variable works correctly, and has this condition:

[date,([BIS_StartMissionDate, 12, "h"] call BIS_fnc_CalculateDateTime)] call BIS_fnc_IsDateTimeNewer && this

the solution would be fixing the Smugglers' trigger into something like:

[date,([BIS_StartMissionDate, 12, "h"] call BIS_fnc_CalculateDateTime)] call BIS_fnc_IsDateTimeNewer && this

I am this kind of an OCD gamer, who tries to do everything possible as soon as possible, and i came across this bug, because i had scavenged a lot of equipment during the first night of the Old Man scenario. There is a fix though, but it requires the player to install the simple single player cheat menu, and run a script in the debug console:

SmugglersVisited = nil


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Bugged approach:

  1. Start ARMA 3
  2. Start Old Man scenario
  3. Go through that shortcut in Luganville (trigger zone)
  4. Complete the first objective by driving Arthur home, and then going to sleep, effectively playing for 12 hours
  5. Return to Luganville

Expected result: 2 gendarmeries, a body bag, 1 police offroad, 1 captured smuggler, 2 AKMs, 2AK74Us, LYNX and 2 stacks of money spawn in Lindenville
Actual result: only the LYNX and 2 stacks of money spawn in Lindenville, whereas the gendarmeries, AKs, the smuggler, the body bag and the police offroad do not spawn.

Working approach:

  1. Start ARMA 3
  2. Start Old Man scenario
  3. Do not go through that shortcut in Luganville (trigger zone)
  4. Complete the first objective by driving Arthur home, and then going to sleep, effectively playing for 12 hours
  5. Return to Luganville

Expected result: 2 gendarmeries, 2 AKMs, 2AK74Us, LYNX and 2 stacks of money spawn in Lindenville
Actual result: same as expected result

Additional Information

As always, thank you very very much for your mesmerizing games!

Event Timeline

Klubargutan updated the task description. (Show Details)
Klubargutan renamed this task from Old man Luganville rendom event (SmugglersVisited) trigger bug to Old man Luganville random event (SmugglersVisited) trigger bug.