Currently the Particle Emitter does not allow for emitters to be imported from other particles or exported as an emitter to be used across and easily imported to different affects. Currently the "+Add" button only allows you to create a brand new emitter with no ability to base it off of another emitter.
Ability to save emitters does not need to live within project files, should have ability to export/import across all windows files.
"+Add" would be preferred place to add drop down of way to add new emitter. Weather we want to import from particel/file/or create new.
- Allow for particle to be named
- Need button + file path field
- Ability to select multiple emitters to import (Changning of name not allowed on this option)
Add new button for export next to add, letting you only export as file to a certain file path. Exporting to different particles could be messy. Could need to make a new Row to decrease clumping and achieve a cleaner look, hard to say without adding in button and looking at it.
This is a quality of life feature request that will make development easier for similar effects.