So i am on hour 300 on my map and i am getting burned out on it. I may or may not finish it. But i have been thinking about this since its published on the workshop in WIP form with updates.
We need a way to if we decide to , or even automatically (say , if the author of the mod/map dies in real life and has not touched it in a long time) Hand the content off to the community to edit in its full capacity.
Say if you have a popular map and the community loves it , and one day the updates stop (for whatever reason) and nobody knows who was responsible for making it. Should that content die with the author leaving it? Or should there be ways for time to pass and the content to become "open source" with credits of course to the original author?
Or should there be a publishing option that just allows people to edit it themselves from the beginning?
A good example of this is optical snares blastcorps FX mod from arma 2-3. He stopped updating it and even today its the most popular mod. What if it was available for modders to mess with in the new editor with original credit? I think this would allow the community to carry the torch of great content if for whatever reason its abandoned