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M1 Carbine and M49/56 Rifle Grenade Zeroing Incorrect
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I have been experimenting with an AT build recently and realized that the M1 Carbine and the M49/56 rifle grenades do not zero properly. The M1 doesn't seem to have any zeroing capabilities, and the M49/56 has sites that come up but they do not appear to be accurate at all to the listed zeroes (50/75/100m). Both Rifle Grenades rifles seem to be, in their current state, lob where you think it'll go and hope for the best and then adjust to target from there.

Additionally, when changing the zero on the actual rifle portion of the M49/56, the rifle tilts similar to how the M16 with underbarrel 40mm does when in 40mm mode. This makes the sight aperture block the front site post for 200m and 300m and then you see over the site aperture at 400m. Not sure if that was an intended design of the rifle, or a modeling issue, but I wanted to report it. I absolutely love both rifles after using them, I just hope it's possible to fix the zeroing issues.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Windows 11 Home, version 10.0.22000 Build 22000
Steps To Reproduce

Using either rifle and entering ADS during rifle and rifle grenade function will show the issue when firing - e.g. rifle grenade does not strike intended set zero range. Additionally, when in rifle grenade with either rifle, and not in ADS, the white circle is not at all where the round will impact.

Additional Information

None at this time as it appears to be a zeroing / modeling issue with the above rifles.

Event Timeline

Bob_Murphy closed this task as Resolved.Jan 11 2023, 5:31 PM
Bob_Murphy claimed this task.
Bob_Murphy added a subscriber: Bob_Murphy.


we have looked into your issue and what you experienced is intended behaviour.
Unfortunately there are technical limitations.
Hence we will close this ticket.

Thank you very much and best regards,
Bob Murphy