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1.18 Feedback (IED Bug)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


if you hold a crafted IED after the stage of adding the electrical kit to the carry container & press the Y key prompt on the remote detonator kit, it will attach itself without giving you the detonator switch, essentially bugging the item out. You can still attach another detonation kit by looking at the IED with a Detonator kit in hand, but if you log out & in again with the bugged IED it will force any explosive items out of the IED container & the IED can no longer be taken to hands & any Explosives that were popped out on the relog will not be able to be interacted with or used in any way. hope this helps


Operating System
Windows 7
Additional Information

Press Y whilst in Inventory on a detonator Kit, with a crafted IED in hands and it will attach itself but not correctly. Now log out & in again, the error message for having damaged attachments will appear and all IED components will have disassembled themselves on the floor & some parts will be bugged & no longer usable

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.May 24 2022, 1:41 PM
Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jun 27 2022, 4:17 PM
Geez claimed this task.