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The BUG is - that cheats are still functional in the game since its launch in 2018 and battle eye seemingly does not prevent cheats from working
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As a person who started playing this game in the last month, I have seen things in this game that make no sense, unless there is lots of cheating going on?

If batteleye is protecting us from cheaters, why when I look at the status page of the disgusting websites that sell cheats do they say all their dayz cheat are still operational and functional?

there is also no way of verifying of how one dies in this which makes deaths even worse, by whom or what method? sometimes you just log on and your instantly dead, before you can even do anything press a key move etc? if you in theory are shot in the head not by a cheater, you die without even hearing the shot in game? it just goes black and displays you are dead? no explanation nothing, to claim that this was realism might be one thing if all of the other elements in the game weren't so unrealistic?


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

just look at the websites that offer cheats and see whether you have in theory thwarted any of their cheats? their status claim their all fine and active?

Event Timeline

ancient created this task.May 15 2022, 11:21 PM
ancient updated the task description. (Show Details)May 15 2022, 11:24 PM
ancient edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)