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Steel helmets and cloth caps have more ballistic protection than 2035 helmets
Closed, ResolvedPublic


CSLA basic steel helmets, such as the vz.53 and M1, are rated as having higher ballistic protection levels than the vanilla Enhanced Combat Helmet. This seems somewhat implausible.

All types of Cap vz.60 and Beret vz.60 also have absurdly high ballistic protection, given that they are cloth caps.

  • explosive resistance too


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Personal Protection Armor
Steps To Reproduce

Open the Virtual Arsenal and select each of the mentioned helmets. Note their indicated ballistic protection rating in the bottom right, and compare it to helmets that should be far superior, such as the NATO ECH or the CSAT Special Purpose Helmet.

Event Timeline

NikkoJT created this task.Apr 26 2022, 4:05 PM
NikkoJT updated the task description. (Show Details)Apr 26 2022, 4:23 PM
Lukyy changed the task status from New to Acknowledged.Apr 27 2022, 7:57 PM
Lukyy moved this task from Backlog to Internal FT on the Arma 3 Creator DLC - CSLA Iron Curtain board.
Lukyy added a subscriber: Lukyy.

Thank you for the report, we'll look into it.

Confirmed fixed in CSLA 1.1.

Lukyy closed this task as Resolved.Nov 12 2022, 11:57 AM
Lukyy claimed this task.