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Sensitivity, again
Assigned, UrgentPublic


From the day 1.17 was released on Xbox experimental, you have faced backlash from the community regarding changes to sensitivity, while most of these changes are now re-calibrated and fixed, one MAJOR issue you have received plenty of feedback on, yet have not resolved, is the camera sensitivity. By setting the new vertical and horizontal sensitivities to their maximum values, we are still stuck with the sluggish and detrimental SLOW AS FUCK sensitivity of playing like we’re 50 years old with a rapidly declining hand-eye coordination, in which is not the case for most of the community. After testing, the newly imposed maximum sensitivity is about half of what we are used to (prior to 1.17 changes) and have used for years. Yes this game has always had its bugs and glitches, but it has always been in my mind perfect for pvp, the way sensitivity was set up. now it is just fucked. And you guys have released several patches while at the same time, completely ignoring this issue. So I, as well as others (I’m sure you’re aware of) will continue to BEG for the SIMPLE FIX of allowing for a FASTER MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL SENSITIVITY, thank you.


Operating System
Windows 7
Game Settings
Steps To Reproduce

Turn up your sensitivity to maximum and turn 180 degrees, it is not realistic, and only hinders gameplay.

Event Timeline

RealTfb created this task.Apr 6 2022, 8:22 PM

Operating system: Xbox Series X *

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Apr 7 2022, 9:19 AM