Zombies can walk/run through a locked door at the Piano House ("land_house_2b03" as izurvive calls it) in Zaprudnoe at 4898.29 / 13029.65
First https://dasbrin.de/s/DayZ%202022.02.08%20-%2021.20.57.07.DVR_Trim.mp4
Second (Reproducing and testing if opening the door and closing again would fix it) https://dasbrin.de/s/DayZ%202022.02.08%20-%2021.37.18.08.DVR_Trim.mp4
Server: DayZ EU - UK 0-3 (Experimental/Unstable)
Time: February 8, 2022, 09:25:39 PM GMT+1
Version: 1.16.154501
Cant reproduce it anymore because i dont have a lookpick so unknown if its only with server restarted locked door or not.