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No gas at Pavlovo army base
Assigned, UrgentPublic


Hello, is there any update about the disapearance of the gas in Pavlovo army base ? Sometimes the army base doesnt have gas at all but it all hovers outside of the base in the field and forest. You can walk into the army base and loot the whole area without NBC gear. Is this problem being looked at ?
Best wishes


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Certen ours of the day consistent for long periods of time.

Additional Information

Please let me know if it is being looked at so i can let it go 😅

Event Timeline

I think this may be somehing the developers have added to make certain places more habitable.

Certain hours**

Then still it is rediculous because it is at certain hours of a 24 day always arround the same hours and it meens that only one part of the world can go and loot without NBC gear and the other part just always have gas. Your point doesnt make any sence. Redzones should be gas always and everytime.

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Feb 7 2022, 11:18 AM