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Car flew high up in the air and crashed and killed me and my friend
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My friend and I had just gotten in a car to drive, I tried to drive up a path but the car was acting very strange, so I decided to let my friend drive. I turned around went down a small hill where the car acted weirdly, glitchy, but I managed to get the car to stop.

I turned off the engine and tried to open the door, when suddenly it blasted upwards into the air, me and my friend still inside. We died when it landed.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Game Physics
Steps To Reproduce

I have tried similar experiences with my friends. A vehicle would either start to dance around or blast upwards into the air. We've been killed a few times by it,

Additional Information

DayZ NL 3664689 (Public)
Server IP:
Port: 2302
Approx: 19:58 Denmark time

Event Timeline

Stofgris created this task.Dec 25 2021, 8:25 PM

I'd just like to add that we had just managed to kill another player, who had some of the highest grade gear we had ever come across! We looted all we could, filled the car with it, and were about to go, when this crap happened. We were completely in shock afterwards, could barely believe our eyes!