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Sector Control / Tickets do not end mission properly on 0 tickets on dedicated server
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I've made a simple king of the hill game mode and when the tickets for one team reaches zero the mission ends like normal. However players are then moved back to the role select screen and never booted back to the mission voting screen. We are also able to re-enter the game with 0 tickets left on one side and the map exactly like how it was left.

I was getting around this by ending the mission early, having a trigger go off when either side hit 20 tickets and it giving the other side 5000 sideScore, then having that trigger synced to a end mission module with it set to the side with the largest score to win.

This would work however when you started your next mission as soon as a player got past the briefing screen a the mission would end with a "you're side won" or "you're side lost", and the mission would end and everyone would be sent back to the mission voting screen.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Windows 10 Home 19043.1237
Steps To Reproduce

The set up for the sector control gamemode is a Respawn tickets module, a bleed ticket module synced to a SideOPFOR_F and SideBLUFOR_F, which are both synced to a Sector Module (moduleSector_F), this issues happens with just that but I was also syncing a LocationArea_F to the Sector Module, then that is synced to a trigger.
No mods are being used. No matter what the bleed rate or tickets started with it will always end like this.

Event Timeline

Murix created this task.Sep 16 2021, 12:48 PM
Murix changed Severity from Major to Minor.
Murix updated the task description. (Show Details)Sep 16 2021, 5:42 PM