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Air to Air weapons and F4 Phatom AI/Player bug
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The AI can't use A2A weapons in the F4. It can't lock enemy air vehicles, will target(white box over target) but not lock( diamond around whitebox), and the only reason players can use it is because they are set with LOAL and autoseektarget, disable autoseek and LOAL then you can see neither player or AI can lock targets. The weapons work fine on other aircraft so the bug is in the F4 itself, and it's only A2A weapons, the Agm45 shrike will achieve lock, shown with diamond around white box, and AI can use it not a problem.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Set enemy helo/plane add AI F4 and it will just fly around it never shooting.

Event Timeline

Issue seems to be resolved in latest VN build

Bob_Murphy closed this task as Resolved.Oct 24 2021, 8:18 PM
Bob_Murphy claimed this task.
Bob_Murphy added a subscriber: Bob_Murphy.


We've picked up your issue and the fix has been implemented in the last S.O.G. update. Thanks for helping us making the game better!
In the unfortunate event that (part of) the issue persists, please open a new ticket and include a link to this one.

Best Regards,
Bob Murphy