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Deformed character wrists with certain weapons in SF Gun Truck passenger seats
Acknowledged, NormalPublic


When sitting in the passenger seats of the M998 SF Gun Truck, with their weapon lowered, while holding certain guns, characters have strange twisted and folded right wrists.

This mostly occurs with vanilla and GM weapons, but some CSLA guns like the M21, Hunting Rifle, and OP-63 also cause this effect. Not that vanilla guns doing this is really OK...

It might be wise to change the sitting-with-lowered-weapon animation to have the gun pointed crosswise or vertically; this would also prevent longer guns from clipping through the seat in front of them.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Place a CSLA M998 SF Gun Truck. Place a character in any of the passenger seats, and edit their loadout to include any of the following primary weapons (not an exhaustive list, just a selection for demo purposes):

Vanilla: MX 6.5mm
GM: M16A2 5.56x45mm

In the editor, units use the sitting-with-weapon-lowered animation, so you can observe the effect on their right wrist using the editor camera. You can also play the mission and use free-look or the spectator camera to see it in action.

Additional Information

Event Timeline

NikkoJT created this task.Jun 25 2021, 1:15 AM
Lukyy changed the task status from New to Acknowledged.Jun 25 2021, 5:49 PM
Lukyy added a subscriber: Lukyy.

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