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Helicopters Damage Model needs tweaking
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When flying around with any Helicopter that the CSLA CDLC offers you can basically cut down an entire forest with each Helicopters Main Rotor.
Here are a few example videos:

I think I don't have to mention to any of you that this is far from realistic and definitely needs to get some more work and tweaking.
If you require further information and/or details hit me up.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Example for Mi-17
1: Open Gabreta in the Editor
2: Place down a Mi-17 from the CSLA units tab (make sure you are the pilot) at the Eastern Airfield
3: Drag the Helo midair
4: Head Southeast to the nearby forest
5: Get on an altitude so that you can directly fly into the trees
6: Slowly (~30 km/h) fly into the trees
7: Keep going until satisfied

Additional Information

I was using the Simple Flight Model

Event Timeline

Pi added a subscriber: Pi.Jun 17 2021, 10:51 AM

As a sidenote, I couldnt replicate this issue yesterday on the normal release build

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This comment was removed by LouMontana.
Lukyy closed this task as Resolved.Sat, Feb 15, 9:55 AM
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