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First I think this started by arma 3 just loosing my unit information had to bind my buttons again. I think after one crash this happened.

Problem: I can play like 3minutes normally I like to like fly drive just a normal gameplay it's most often like 2-15minutes and it crashes with this violation.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
10.0, Build 19041
Steps To Reproduce

I just test flying a small helicopter from editor and it crashes. It also started crashing like this when I play with my brother online. It's really frustrating.

Additional Information

I did install windows 10 again and remove Arma 3 download it again. I do run it without mods and still it crashes everytime I play. I think it might have something to do with certain button combinations and with my Readeon Adrenaline software. There is some quick button combinations wich I try to tweak. Weird still is that this never occured and after reinstalling windows it did work nicely for many hours but then just started clitching like this.

Event Timeline

Edizon created this task.Jun 13 2021, 8:21 PM

It was not the quick access keys wich I thought it would be. I realized it MIGHT have something to do with my profile. Because I think while I am in game and try to bind some buttons. This crash might also happen again... crash after crash... this is getting on my nerves..

It is just crashing randomly I will try tomorrow changing my GPU. Maybe it's dying? running on Sapphire Radeon RX 580 nitro+

I tried switching hardware. GPU RX 580 to RX 570 and PSU from old 530W to new 750w. did not help...

Atleast now I know it should not be hardware related...

I tried also this to make new profile to Arma 3 main folder but it was not about the profile... F:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Arma 3 -profiles=Profiles
Also tried some checklists I found from internet... I guess now I feel it is some corrupted data, or corrupted paths because I had on my old installation some weird OneDrive paths for my arma 3 so I will reinstall it to a brand new SATA 2.5" drive and see what happens. I go tomorrow buy one. I keep you updated...

It's just weird that after reinsalling the whole Windows 10 it did work for many hours just fine burt now everytime I fly something or drive something pretty much it just crashes without a reason =D.

All right I will add it here even tho I feel noone reads this but if it can help somebody it would be nice. The best solution for me overall was that I just created new profile to Arma 3 root folder by using this command on launchers commandline. "F:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Arma 3 -profiles=Profiles" This will be the command wich makes new profile that then it's not needed to run your profile from C: path... Also copied my edited missions to the main root folder FROM C:\Users\Edizon\OneDrive\Asiakirjat\Arma 3 <--I also think that when I linked my computer to OneDrive it started causing alot of these path problems. But this I feel was my issue.

another thing was that I found 2 installations of steam and 2 instances or Arma 3. So I think there was some criss crossing happening and it violated some code rules by that and did not know what to load from where or something like that. So I deleted the another installation of steam just by deleting the folder it was called Steam Games (I named it before)...

Just recap quickly:

  1. Check if you've installed Arma 3 / Steam Twice and delete the other.
  2. Add launcher command "F:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Arma 3 -profiles=Profiles" to add new profile. (all data is saved to steam no worries)
  3. Move your edited missions from old "C:\Users\Edizon\OneDrive\Asiakirjat\Arma 3" (Asiakirjat = Documents Finnish) path to main path missions folder. Main path for profile is pretty deep so bare with me: "F:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Profiles\Users\Edizon"
  4. Also If you have own key binding wich you want to move over you can just copy paste profile files from C: folder wich was in my case because using onedrive: "C:\Users\Edizon\OneDrive\Asiakirjat\Arma 3" AGAIN TO -> "F:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Profiles\Users\Edizon" I binded mine all over again so it does not take so long.

I also think there might of been something path related corruption after my Win 10 reintall (keep files) with this sucky bad windows onedrive wich they included. I prefer everybody to stay away from it. I've had to learn live with it. It is just one unnecessary cloud service. Dropbox and Google Drive are already enough... I hope they fix it out and make you to have rights to choose if you want to install it... Anyway I hope I helped you.

If you need some music or arma 3 editor related help I can assist. Just contact me on [email protected] I also have soundcloud so please enjoy also that if I get your computer fixed lol

Btw that "-profiles=profiles" command also fix alot of those security permissions "systems" so you don't run any kind of conflicts with your using with maybe writing of data or something like that... There is also this checklist wich helped me alot to pinpoint stuff hope you find some help there too:

This guy from SubVoid Media needs a credit for profiles command. Here is the video about tacling the same problem:

I think that is all. I hope everybody will get this frustrating problem fixed. It is so versitale game that it would be a weird thing if nothing like this ever happened =D. I love it. And all the fixing really is worth it! =) Keep up!

Pi added a subscriber: Pi.Jun 15 2021, 3:50 PM

Thank you for sharing how you fixed the problem!

Pi closed this task as Resolved.Jun 15 2021, 3:50 PM
Pi claimed this task.