I've typed this 4 times now so forgive me if I'm short.
Built next to existing structure. When base is built my 'kit' gets stuck in the wall or picnic table or sandbag or whatever is close and becomes unreachable even through the inventory page
I've typed this 4 times now so forgive me if I'm short.
Built next to existing structure. When base is built my 'kit' gets stuck in the wall or picnic table or sandbag or whatever is close and becomes unreachable even through the inventory page
Build next to an existing structure fence kit watchtower kit flagpole shelter it doesnt matter
Maybe if y'all focused less on stupid things like manure piles, nerfing the 308 more than it was, silage bales, tractors combines and headers, making it harder too kill zombies, new guns that have a new ammo, new knifes that don't kill anything, new food that just takes up server space, how much food, water, and supplies to start a character of with, how far away gunshots are heard, what a bullet should do when it encounters a surface, plant growth and decay(which literally ruins the game on official servers), the freaking air friction of bullets you might be able to fix this laggy glitchy unplayable game. I've been with dayz since the first day it dropped i have over 1800 hours in this game. But I'll never buy another product with bohemia's logo after the truly sad state this game is in after almost 2 years of being out literally stealing people's money