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Artillery Shell Sounds
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Despite looking great there are a couple of issues with artillery sounds. There are no shell sounds when arty rounds come in. The mortar rounds have a whistle or "woosh" when they land nearby, which sounds appropriate for lighter shells like 60mm. I don't hear anything when the 105s come in. Only dead silence and then the explosion. Realistically there would be a sound far before impact, as the shell travels overhead, however I would expect at least a shriek moments before a large shell lands (as is the case in vanilla). Also regarding the airburst round: there is no sound for the airburst, only the impacts of the shrapnel on the ground. Not sure if these are oversights or bugs but they feel a bit off.


Operating System
Windows 10
Operating System Version
Version 10.0.19042 Build 19042
Steps To Reproduce

Having a round fired at you or near you.

Additional Information

The lack of shell wooshing could just be neglected in development, however the lack of a sound on the airburst seems like a bug.

Event Timeline

Maarten added a subscriber: Maarten.

Thank you for your feedback! It will now be reviewed by a specialist in our internal QA system.