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9M14 Malyutka (AT-3) Bug
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The 9M14 Malyutka's simply do not seem to function. I'm not sure if it is AI related or not, but in singleplayer, through the editor you can personally fire the weapons fine, but AI seemingly refuse to fire them at all. AI will track targets while a 9M14 Malyutka operator, but refuse to launch no matter the range, orientation, or speed of the target.


Operating System
Windows 7
AI Aiming / Shooting
Steps To Reproduce

I initially discovered the bug on Temmpa's Kujari terrain, but then reproduced it in a controlled environment on Stratis. Set up four REDFOR (also tested w/ GREFOR) 9M14 Malyutka's in a line on clear terrain, like the runway, and present them with a number of easy targets with no ammunition but as BLUFOR. Maybe make one drive if you want to see the tracking capability. They simply don't work, or the AI can't figure them out.

Event Timeline

Maarten added a subscriber: Maarten.

Thank you for your feedback! It will now be reviewed by a specialist in our internal QA system.

Slowpokevg closed this task as Resolved.Nov 7 2023, 1:53 PM
Slowpokevg claimed this task.