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Suggestion: Have rifle grenade equipped weapons display grenade adapter.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I suggest having weapons that support rifle grenades display the grenade launcher adapter on the muzzle at all times. Currently, it is only visible when the grenade firemode is selected, which I think is a huge shame, as it changes the look and "vibe" of the gun quite nicely.

Why add it?

Adding more variety and character to weapons
"Justifies" having separate GL versions of guns in the game and differentiate them visually at a glance
Realism - in real life, you would keep the adapter mounted at all times, not mount it only to fire off a grenade
Grenade adapter is already modelled in-game

M1 Carbine with attached grenade adapter (and no mounted grenade). Currently, you can only see the adapter properly if the grenade firemode is selected, and no grenade is loaded. My suggestion is to have the adapter visible 100% of the time.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Rak1445 created this task.May 15 2021, 4:00 PM
Maarten added a subscriber: Maarten.

Thank you for your feedback! It will now be reviewed by a specialist in our internal QA system.

Maarten closed this task as Resolved.Jul 13 2021, 2:17 PM
Maarten claimed this task.

Ticket reviewed, suggestion has been noted.