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Can't host Dedicated Server with latest DLC
Closed, ResolvedPublic


So my friend has a dedicated server and we want to get the server out with the new Mike Force mission. We have everything downloaded but when we launch into the game all the roles are gone and there is a text on the bottom right that says something about American Flags. I wish I could get the full text but my friend stayed up all night trying to fix this and the server is down and I can't get it. We've tried to update through SteamCMD but that didn't work or could have done it wrong. It could be a server side problem. Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks


Operating System
Windows 10
Dedicated Server
Steps To Reproduce

Every time we launch server same thing happens

Additional Information

Steps we did to try and fix:

Update through SteamCMD
Unload all mods
Download DLC assets and try to implement them into server

Event Timeline

TMLSniper created this task.May 8 2021, 5:29 PM
Maarten closed this task as Resolved.Jun 28 2021, 8:56 PM
Maarten claimed this task.
Maarten added a subscriber: Maarten.

Hey @TMLSniper, sorry for the late reply we have been redesigning our Quality Assurance process after release. If you are still experiencing this issue please head to discord and we'll have a look together: