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Good day,

Last night around 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. I was ransacking the city of KARMANOVKA.
Then I heard a lot of shots there. which, however, were given away far away and were apparently not intended for me.
at some point the shots went to me. presumed weapon: sportsman (since the hits did not "pull" life away.
SO: I was met for the first time in the center of the village, then I RUNNED away towards the WEST. the shots hit me at the church above NOVODMITROVSK. The shooter didn't care if I ran through trees, hedges, behind stones. it was almost uninterrupted. almost dead at the church a too high ping threw me from the server. what i think saved me It was fired like artellerie, fired 4-5 shots, "news" and again 4-5 shots. i ran in positions impossible for the shooter. and he also seemed to have infinite ammunition.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

I have already changed the server twice because it happened with the last one that was cheated there.
if that happens again now, I'll get really pissed off. at the battleye nothing seems to happen against cheating. one is shot in the room (closed door). A whole 5-man team is permanently wiped out without hearing a single shot (and that in a sprint), I am shot at over long distances with impossible visual contact, sprint, no matter behind stones ... I could do what I wanted, it didn't stop . if something doesn't happen soon there will be bad reviews on steam 9 (the whole team, because everyone has already experienced it at least 2 times, AND NO, we won't change servers again now. everyone has paid € 40, and you can at least expect what is done against cheaters) because cheating and hacking are not fought. the last time 50% deleted the game because they didn't feel like cheating any more. that is a real shame for the team. FINALLY DOING ANYTHING AGAINST CHEATING AND HACKING. otherwise you can leave out the battleye. brings nothing anyway.

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