There seems to be a situation where you can get instant red heat and also instant deep blue cold.
As soon you get close to a fire, instant red
If I step into water, instant deep blue
We noticed it on UK 0-1 when me and a friend where cooking meat.
It was in the big hunting lodge, upstairs.
I also got it later and I recorded it and put it in the video.
Tried with doors open/close, same result.
It has not occured everytime I sat next to a fire.
Also it seems to happen after getting the + symbol, no idea if that matters or not
I made recordings of both parts and put it below.
The recordings are on Spaggie test server that runs Rustow
Do not think that matters much since I got it also on Official, but thought worth to mention
And I will keep testing this
Anyhow, thanks for the hard work, patch feels good!!