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Killed by Cheater
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I was one shot killed, presumably by a cheater on official Sydney server AP SY Liviona 5570, I was fully armored, with full health and in concealment and was suddenly dead from one hit. This happened at approximately 11pm Australian Queensland time. Cheaters seem to be rampant on the official servers as this is not the first time something like this has happened to me either, suffice it to say it is extremely annoying especially when you have put in many hours gearing up your character. Battle eye does not seem to really do anything to deter or detect cheaters. My in game name is Lazarus.


Operating System
Windows 7 x64

Event Timeline

By the way this happened 3 times in quick succession, probably the same cheater and all on the same server AP SY Liviona 5570, check the logs, the person obviously using ESP and whatever else to find me considering the server traffic at the time was extremely low. Thankyou.

Ektor added a subscriber: Ektor.Jan 12 2021, 4:59 PM

I confirm, similarly, my friends and I were killed on the official server With one bullet of all three in an open field in one second, which is basically impossible. This is very annoying and you want to play less and less