Steam ID: yalleh
Server: DayZ Livonia US - LA 5375
Address (Game Port) (Query Port)
Date: month of December since at least since November 19th
Time: usually between midnight North America Pacific Time until 8 am North America Pacific Time
Where: the entire map of Livonia
On the day before America's Thanksgiving November 19th. An entire server (US based server) was hit with players using cheat code to find and destroy bases. I figured they did this as a test to see if anyone was watching on a holiday weekend, and I guesses that they would do it again on Christmas weekend and then did. This time they are sticking around all the normal / regular none cheating players (including the ones I played the game with) have left and all that is left is an increase in the number of players using cheat code. I like to see the player count go up but each and everyone of the players using cheat code have servers in their own country.