Hello guys i was wandering if you could help me with this bug this is my last resort i have tried everything else, right so basically i have been playing dayz for like 6 years then i go to play it the other week and the game starts loading up and then my computer just freezes or the game just has a black screen and just doesnt respond and this is every single time i try load up the game i cant even get into the loading screen, i have tried verifying game cache deleting files reinstalling , installing on different hdd and i even done a complete reinstall of windows and wiped my pc but it still gives the same bug honestly i have ran out of options thank you :)
i did recently buy a gpu second hand from ebay im not sure if it has been hardware banned or not so i was just throwing that in there if that was the issue if so i can provide proof that i have brought it
pc specs Gtx 1070 , i7 8700k , 24 gb ram , 500 gb ssd , 1tb hdd